Let Go Career Compass help you navigate your next journey. Whether you are a student, graduate, business leader, unemployed individual, or someone exploring careers, we can assist you. By offering direction for your unique skills and interests, we help you create the best YOU. We do this through workshops, social media utilizations and relationship building.
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Where are they now?
Interview #7: Frank Pomata, Emloyment Counselor & Mental Health Advocate
It was a pleasure inteviewing Frank Pomata who, at the time of the book’s publication, worked at the Suffolk County Department of Labor for the past 8 years, and was a mental health advocate. He continues with both careers. The SCDOL has many services to offer. Because of the presentations that we did for young people in the past year, Frank has been involved with interns and called his workshops, The Sky’s the Limit. He has also been doing talks in local libraries, including a 4-part session for students. Listen to his growth in the past year and his important work as a mental health advocate, sharing his own journey of mental health illness. His initiatives have brought him to speak at workshops and conferences. He and I have to learn to ask for what we are worth. His life lesson is: “Avoid the golden handcuffs. Seek out a job that you love, even if that means you have to leave some money on the table.” He also offers important advice for all listeners.
Where are they now? Interview #4: Marc Berlin, Patient Advocate
Lisa Strahs-Lorenc welcomed Marc Berlin, owner of OnTheMarc Patient Advocacy Services. He presented his practice of patient advocacy and the challenges of maintaining this type of service. He works closely with the patient and family to ensure safety and well being in the home environment, and the services required to enable clients to age in place. He gave advice about starting and maintaining a business including considerations such as your age and stage in your career. Please post and share this important and personalized service so integral to maintaining the lifestyle desired by individuals as they age. Click here to watch video.
Lisa Strahs-Lorenc has been a career counselor since 1985. She has owned 2 career counseling services, Career Aide and Go Career Compass. He self-published the book, Career Journeys from the Ground Up: Discover Your Own Path on September 2, 2023 on Labor Day. The book’s purpose is to learn about others’ career journeys and then participate in several hands-on activities. Lisa interviewed 14 individuals from ages 27-85, from diverse backgrounds and experiences. Each interview demonstrates the ups and downs of an individual’s career and that most careers do not have a straight path. In honor of this 1 year anniversary, Lisa will be conducting interviews with all the book participants so that we can all learn what has happened in the past year, and any additional lessons learned. Lisa’s own interview illustrates how important flexibility and adapability are. Watch and listen to this informative interview and feel free to reach out to her for workshops for individual support in your or someone else’s career needs.
Where are they now?
Interview #8: Robin Shatzkin, Travel by Robin S.
Lisa interviewed Robin who had just moved from New York to North Carolina. She spoke about the adjustment to a new location and her feelings about the move. She is still doing her travel, but her clients are mostly referrals now. The needs are different for people in different parts of the country. She sent her change of address to a number of people and snail mail has created new conversations and interactions. There is less traffic and a slower pace of life. People have been asking her to bring a New York mentality to do marketing and events. She spoke about pickleball and creating a domestic pickleball vacation. It is an interesting shift in energy and nature. Her view of the world has changed due to the new environment. To learn more about her career changes, listen to the whole video interview, including a couple of new opportunities and her advice about change.
Interview #5: Charles Fox, Director of Diversity& Development, Legal Aid Society
Lisa Strahs-Lorenc welcomed Charles Fox, Director of Diversity and Development—Legal Aid Society of Suffolk County. Charles continues to work for this important organization. However, in the past year, there has been backlash and misinformation about DEI (Diversity Equity and Inclusion) work. The organization has offered workshops in terms of implicit bias, and worked in the courts about equity and the justice system. He offers a specific example of this as well. His career is ever evolving. Things are always changing. He even gave a recent example of anti-immigrant sentiment, and the stereotypes about the Haitians in Ohio, brought up in the recent election. Advice for others: don’t give up your dreams. Nothing should be a barrier for someone’s success. He also mentioned imposter syndrome. It’s important to develop a sense of pride and it’s never too late to change your course. You are never too old to start over.
Interview #2: Sandra Nomoto, previously known as the Content Doctor
It was a pleasure speaking with Sandra Nomoto, one of the book contributors to the unique career book, “Career Journeys from the Ground Up: Discover Your Own Path.” Now, Sandra states that she is an Ethical Marketer and Book Whisperer. She describes the impact of AI in her industry and its challenges. Her career fields are unique and we discussed how she stands out. She is optimistic and flexible in being a solopreneur. She offered some worthwhile advice. Watch, listen and feel free to share.
Where are they now?
Interview #Interview #9: Janine Bolon, CEO Broadcast Media Productions
Lisa Strahs-Lorenc, Author interviewed Janine Bolon who at the time of the publishing of the book was the CEO of Broadcast Media Productions.
She is out in Colorado and enjyoing the beautiful scenery and weather. She sold off her broacast company. She has pivoted from her focus and are now building out a new program. She discussed her empty nest and the fifteen people who she still oversees. Her new venture will be The Beta Reader’s Hub. Listen to this video to learn more about this opportunity. This is serving a need that authors have expressed. This will be a 7-year plan. She also has advice for listeners for both writers, and people searching for a new career. Her motto is: “If you don’t enjoy it, don’t do it.” Click here for video.
Where are they now?
Interview #6–Crystal Deichert, LPC, LMHC, Mental Health Therapist
Lisa Strahs-Lorenc welcomed Crystal Deichert who is from North Dakota and lives in Maui. She loves living near the ocean. She loves her work. She has found her niche and has a small caseload of clients. She loves what she does and does not consider it “work”. She runs retreats and workshops as well. She is now working on a children’s book for ages 30-50 years of age about emotions. She exudes happiness and has answered the question, “Do I want to be happy?” Or “Do I want to make money?” Her career decisions have come from the heart and they are fulfilling and rewarding. Her advice is not to limit yourself. There are not opportunities to connect with people all over the world. Find your supporters–the candle holders, not the candle blowers.
It was a pleasure to interview Les Wolff, Owner of Les Wolff Sports. He began his career when he was 6!!! He still loves his sports memorabilia, buying and selling. He spoke about his work in the past year. He shared his advice about finding treasures and not throwing everything out. You never know what you will find. Please share with your colleagues and friends.
Let Go Career Compass help you navigate your next journey. Whether you are a student, graduate, business leader, unemployed individual, or someone exploring careers, we can assist you. By offering direction for your unique skills and interests, we help you create the best YOU. We do this through workshops, social media utilizations and relationship building.